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5/19/09 Another Fox Creek

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:30 pm
by Ken G
I decided on the way home to stop and fish creek number 5, the fifth creek I've fished so far this year. That would be Waubonsie Creek. By the time I got there and in the water I would have about an hour and a half to spend fishing. Starting in the spring I keep all the gear I need to go wading and fishing in my car in case a decision like this arises. I take all the gear out of the car come November.

I parked in the small parking lot in the small park that lines the creek. It's right off one of the busiest roads that runs through this area.

I hiked up stream along the creek, bush whacking through dense brush and thorn bushes. Sliding down the steep bank, more like falling really, I fell hard onto the slick moss covered rocks in about a foot of water. Immediately a swarm of mosquitoes felt the need to let me know they were out for the season and landed all over my arms, neck and face. I stumbled across the creek flailing my arms to get rid of the mosquitoes while sliding on rocks beneath my feet. I made it to a gravel bar above a pool that was about 2 feet deep, made a half dozen casts and caught 2 smallies.

I slipped a cheap cigar out of my fishing vest, lit it, exhaled and looked around.

It had been a long time since I hiked this far up the creek. I was surrounded by woods. A high cathedral of lush greenery arched over the creek and my head. I could no longer hear the road.

I wandered down the creek casting into any slow moving pool more than a foot deep. By the time I made it back to my car I had caught 8 smallies up to 14 inches, a largemouth bass and missed another half dozen fish. Best fish of the day was never seen, but when one hits hard and makes a tight drag buzz, you can only hope to get to see it if not land it.

Neither happened.

I can no longer judge whether an outing like this is a good outing. I expect to catch fish when I go fishing. So was this a good outing or could it have been better.

After work and all the way here I was pissed off, frustrated, anxious and nervous. And pretty much clueless as to why. All I know is that it is not a good place for me to be. And for those around me at that time, it's definitely not a good place for them to be.

By the time I was back at my car and stripping off my wading gear, I was completely relaxed and calm.

I guess it was a pretty good outing after all.