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What kind of Line?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:15 pm
by MattC
I was just wondering what kind of line everyone uses. I use braid/superline the majority of the time and have been experimenting with leaders recently. I havent noticed a different between the catch rate between the two. Today i fished Rock creek which was very clear. I used both fireline crystal 10lb. and the same with a leader of stren original 6lb. I caught fish on both, not really sure if i would have caught more fish if i just used mono. What is everyones opinion on this.

Re: What kind of Line?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:01 pm
by Ken G
I've been using Power Pro for years. Much smoother and limper than fireline. In green.

Just today switched from 10 lb test to 8. Real small diameter. I'll know by the end of the day if I like the lighter line.

To smallies, a leader makes no difference what so ever.
Guys will argue, but you've read my posts.

I still out fish them. :lol: :lol:

Rare times I use mono it's exclusively Trilene 6 lb. XL. In green of course.

Think about it. At best on a river you're catching a 3 pound fish. Anything bigger will just force you to learn how to use your drag system and play a fish.

Re: What kind of Line?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:25 pm
by MattC
On your trips to the apple river were you using power pro?

Re: What kind of Line?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:19 am
by Ken G

I guess I could have caught 200 that one day if I used a flourocarbon leader, but why be a pig about it.

Smallies are predators. I've had them jump over things to hit my lure while I was reeling it away from them. Lakes pose a different issue, but on rivers I have yet to see line type matter too much. These things are attacking. They really don't care what is in their way at that point.