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Garbage: The Revolution Begins at Home

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:34 pm
by Ken G
You are invited to a showing of Garbage: The Revolution Begins at Home.  Please pass along the invitation to your members, friends, neighbors.   Feel free to copy the attached flier. this event is co-sponsored by the YCC Green Group and the Yorkville Public Library.

The Green Group
Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ
409 Center Parkway
Yorkville, Illinois 60560

The YCC Green Group’s mission is to exemplify good stewardship by promoting environmental awareness through projects in our church and community.
Dear Environmental Leaders in Kendall County,
The Green Group of the Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ invites you to see the movie,”Garbage: The Revolution Begins at Home”.  The movie, free to the public, will be shown on Sunday, February 15, 7:00 p.m. at the Yorkville Public Library, in the large meeting room.   (Attached is a brief review of the movie.)
Because you are leaders in a community that is striving to be on the cutting edge of “green”, you will find this 76-minute documentary, produced by Garbageman Productions Inc, to be enlightening and thought- provoking.  It will inspire you to continue to promote and to make policies that require responsible action for a clean and healthy environment.  Your presence in the audience will also make a statement to our community of your interest in environmental awareness.
The movie will be followed with time for questions and discussion.  Table displays will demonstrate how each person, each family, each business can do “one thing at a time” to begin to make a difference in the health of our environment.  Door prizes will be re-usable shopping bags donated by local businesses.
This event is co- Sponsored by the Green Group of the Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ and the Yorkville Public Library.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Anne Engelhardt, Chairperson of the Green Group
(630) 553 - 5073

Garbage: The Revolution Begins at Home
          The movie, “Garbage: The Revolution Begins at Home” is a film that follows the McDonald family - mom, dad, and three kids -- who agree to save their garbage and recycling bags for 3 months, October through December.  A friend videos this effort and interviews them about the garbage. While the topic is serious and the footage provides interesting statistics related to how each of us makes a difference on climate change, there are humorous moments that provide perspective and reality.    
           The documentary also reveals where the garbage ends up after it leaves their curb and gives the audience insight into the companies that handle the waste.  Some of these waste-handling businesses practice environmental sustenance; other companies are environmentally irresponsible.  
          The movie is definitely an eye opener and will stimulate each of us to think about the stream of waste we create and how might we do a better job of handling our own garbage.  This video is highly recommended for all audiences. It provides a real-life situation that anyone can relate to, as well as a motivation to make a difference by simple changes in the way we live.