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Fox Report 12-14-08

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:35 pm
by Ken G
Getting out on a cloudy day with temps in the 40s might have been worth it years ago. Even if only to catch one smallmouth bass.

With winds around 30, standing out there in the open trying to catch that one fish may no longer be worth it. At least the crap plant gave up the one.

I should just go for the walks, that was worth it.

Didn't have a chance to go fishing in October or November, hunting so far either. But muzzleloader season kept me out of the woods, so I squeezed in one more river trip.

Nothing worse than feeling cold water on your feet 10 seconds after stepping into the river. I need new waders. My neoprenes burned out a couple of years ago, can't afford to replace them and my breathables are going on 3 years old. That's too old.

Anyone that tells you, which someone recently did, that the new layer technology that goes under breathable waders makes neoprene waders obsolete . . . is a shore fisherman. They can get away with wearing hip boots in order to step into knee deep water now and then. And even then only for a few seconds. For those of us that actually go wading to fish in this type of weather, your nuts will quickly inform you of the stupidity of the above comment.

The river from Montgomery to Oswego and beyond holds a tremendous amount of geese. Lots of shooting off in the distance. With these numbers I question the limit of 2 geese per day. There aren't that many hunters and this is geese in just a 3 to 5 mile stretch of river. Imagine the rest. I also question not extending the season into February. Aren't todays migratory geese tomorrows resident geese? Why leave if you don't have to.

Fishermen are slobs. I think I'm done fishing where others go. I know many places where others don't. And I come across no footsteps or garbage there.

Did some hiking around the DUCK blinds around Orchard Road.

If you're in a DUCK blind on the river and you're surrounded by geese . . . and flying over head are hundreds of geese . . . and off in the distance hundreds more geese are flying around . . . and a single duck can hardly be seen or heard . . . then quit playing your DUCK call like your doing some kind of bizarre Louis Armstrong jazz solo and pick up your friggin goose call.

Also, always send one person a half mile up river on the shore, have them get in the river and take a leisurely stroll back down the middle of the river back to the blind. From what I understand, that's not illegal. But if you want some real shooting opportunities, you have no choice. They're not going to come to you for the hell of it.

Lastly, if you like fishing for carp and can figure out what they'll hit in this weather, you'll have a field day.

Damn things are everywhere. Suckers too.

Re: Fox Report 12-14-08

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:51 pm
by lefthandedboy
The Journal facelift looks great. Nice job.

Hit the crap plant in Montgomery for a couple hours in the afternoon on Tuesday, 12/30. Had to fish from shore due to the premature Spring meltdown. Nonetheless it was good to get out and do something other than shovel the driveway. Picked up 3 smallmouth (largest around 16"). Curiously, they were all very dark in color. Beside the smallies I caught 2 catfish that were 20-24". That was fun since I just started fishing the Fox this summer (after about a 25 year hiatus from fishing) and these were the first catfish I've hooked. All were caught on minnows right at the outflow.

Hope everyone who reads this had a great holiday! Happy New Year!

Re: Fox Report 12-14-08

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:26 pm
by Ken G
Thanks for the comment on the site. I can't take too much credit, they make these great templates you can swap in. I'm just modifying it a little.

I thought about getting out there over the new year too. You can bet with this high water not many are willing to do it.

Bob Maciulis just wrote up an article as he was re-reading some of my past adventures of fishing that area during the winter.

Bob Maciulis Article

I remember that day very distinctly. I'm glad to see someone else out doing it.

Keep it up and let us know how you do the next two months.

Re: Fox Report 12-14-08

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:40 pm
by Dan
Bob Maciulis Article

Very nice read:) Thanks