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Protect State Funding for Natural Resource Protection

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:53 am
by Ken G
I’ve worked on and off with these people for over 12 years.

Well worth being in touch with them.
Save the Water Supply Planning Project

Dear Openlands' Member:

Water is our most valuable resource. The availability and supply of water is critical to our environment, economy and quality of life. Studies are revealing that our supply of water for drinking, manufacturing and to preserve our natural resources is at risk in Illinois.

At Openlands urging, in 2006 the Governor called for the establishment of two regional water supply planning pilot programs in areas most at risk of experiencing water shortages and water conflicts: 11 counties in Northeastern Illinois and 15 counties in Central Illinois. The first two years of the project included study and evaluation of water demand scenarios, scientific research on available supply and evaluation of conservation tools and management techniques. Now as the pilot program enters its third and final year and before this valuable work has been completed, the Governor is threatening to end the program midstream by cutting $2.1 million in funding.

Over the next year, the regional groups will be developing policy recommendations that will ensure a sustainable water supply for these regions. If funding is cut off now, the most important part of the project will be incomplete. The completion of the water supply planning project will impact how we protect our resources now and assure for sustainability of our way of life in the future.

We implore you to tell the Governor to save this program and remove it from the list of spending cuts.

As part of the ongoing budget dispute, the Governor has proposed $1.5 billion in budget cuts which he will make if the legislature does not approve additional revenue. In addition to the water supply planning project, the list includes a $14 million cut to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Along with the conservation community, Openlands also calls for the Governor to protect the IDNR from additional proposed cuts at a time when our parks, forests, lakes and streams need even greater protection. The proposed cuts would devastate Illinois’ ability to protect open space, preserve natural resources and provide outdoor recreation opportunities.

Take action to protect our water supply and our natural resources!

Contact Governor Blagojevich and your state legislators and tell them to save this valuable water supply planning program and keep IDNR from suffering more cuts.

Governor Blagojevich’s phone number (217) 782-6830

For more information please contact: Openlands Policy Director, Lenore Beyer-Clow at (312)-863-6264,