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Hickory Creek Watershed Planning

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:56 am
by Ken G
Got this one too late for anyone to do anything about, but thought I would post it in case someone wanted to get involved down the line.

Personally, I'm burned out on participating with these groups, but I've told them that I would gladly promote their activities as much as I can.

Armchair volunteer is what I've turned into.

Hope others take interest. Even thought I've never met him I've been getting email from him for years. He's with the forest preserve district of Will County.

Tim Good:

Hickory Creek Watershed- Meeting of Stakeholders
Friday May 30, 2008, 9:30 AM - Noon
New Lenox Village Hall

1. Welcome and Introductions (15 minutes)
2. Introduction to Watershed Planning, (30 minutes) Amy Walkenbach, Illinois EPA
3. Overview of Impairments: Hickory, Spring, and Marley Creeks and Union Ditch (15 minutes) Cindy Skrukrud, Sierra Club
4. Addressing impairments: Now and Beyond (30 minutes)
a. CNT assistance with green infrastructure policies Bill Eyring and Hal Sprague, Center for Neighborhood Technology
b. Open discussion of other options
5. Hickory Creek Watershed Stakeholder Group: Group structure and leadership discussion
(40 minutes), facilitated by Howard Sloan, Village of Frankfort
6. Next Steps (10 min.)
a. Who else should be involved?
b. Brainstorm on invited speakers and site tours
c. Sub-Committees: watershed planning, group structure, water quality monitoring?
d. Next meeting date